NSW Education Standards Authority
Students can choose to study Music 1, Music 2 and Music Extension in their Higher School Certificate (HSC).
Music 1 is an excellent way for students to learn the concepts of music through a variety of styles, different time periods and genres. It is suitable for students who have a diverse musical interests and backgrounds. Students are required to choose three electives to match the topics studied in their HSC course.
Music 2 is designed for students who have prior knowledge of music. Students will select one elective in the area of Performance, Composition or Musicology. The aim of Music 2 is to equip students with extended knowledge of Western music and paves the way for advancing their study in tertiary education.
Music Extension requires a high degree of music literacy and aural skills. Students will choose to specialise in Performance, Composition or Musicology. This unit provides an opportunity for students to refine their artistry and musical sophistication through a rigorous music study. An individual program is tailored by the teacher to suit each student’s interest and ability. Students will be expected to acquire advanced musical skills in their specialisation.

“Music occupies a significant place in world cultures and the recorded history of all civilisations. It is a unique symbol system that uses sound to imply meaning and convey information.”
— Board of Studies NSW