Lesson Fees
Most Popular
For 30 minutes
Perfect starting point for beginners
Pave the way for becoming a competent musician
Equip students with essential knowledge and skills
Build a solid foundation for critical thinking in music
Feature a holistic and sensory learning experience
Suitable for students of all ages and levels
Elite Musicians
For 45 minutes
Recommended for students who have a diverse interest in music
Designed for students to gain specialised knowledge and skills
Deepen learning experience through drawing connections between musical elements
Develop a positive mindset for music
Ideal for students who are preparing for music exams in early and intermediate level
Suitable for students who have a skill level equivalent to Grade 1-5
Best Value
For 60 minutes
Comprehensive lessons for students who are passionate about music
Designed for students to gain specialised knowledge, skills and appreciation for music
Recommended for families that have multiple students
Can be shared by students of the same family for better value
Ideal for students who are preparing for music exams in intermediate and advanced level
Suitable for students who have a skill level equivalent to Grade 6-8